Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
Kentucky (Ky) ranks as the 12th worst state for nonfatal occupational injury rates and the 20th worst for fatal
occupational injuries/illnesses. The Ky Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance (KOSHS) expanded
program (KOSHS fundamental program, and Fatality Assessment Control and Evaluation [FACE],
Occupational Motor Vehicle Injury Surveillance [OMVIS], and Drug-Associated Work-Related Injury Surveil-
lance [DAWRIS] expanded projects) focuses on population-based and case-based surveillance of work-related
injuries/illnesses in Ky, a southeastern HHS Region 4 state. Specific aims are to: 1) identify and access multi-
source KOSHS fundamental program, and FACE, OMVIS, and DAWRIS expanded project surveillance data
and evaluate new surveillance data sources for occupational health indicators (OHI); 2) manage and perform
quality control and surveillance quality improvement on surveillance data; 3) calculate 20 CSTE/ NIOSH OHIs,
13 Ky-specific OHIs, and Ky employment profile; FACE, OMVIS, and DAWRIS surveillance data; incidence
and prevalence rates; and trends; 4) perform case-based surveillance through FACE onsite investigations and
high adult blood lead level follow-up investigations; 5) conduct epidemiological analyses of KOSHS fundamen-
tal, FACE, OMVIS, and DAWRIS surveillance and investigation data; 6) disseminate public health recommen-
dations for workplace interventions and policies using trainings, reports, hazard alerts, publications, etc.;
application of communication technologies such as websites, social media, presentations, toolkits, trade
journals, and the NIOSH OH clearinghouse; and new and existing partnerships and collaborations with trade
associations, state agencies, organizations, and NIOSH, etc. that integrate KOSHS results with partners’
intervention and outreach activities. KOSHS will participate in grantee meetings, and conference calls; and 7)
perform a process, impact, and outcome evaluation of the KOSHS fundamental program, and FACE, OMVIS,
and DAWRIS expanded projects. Ad hoc KOSHS fundamental program advisory work groups will be estab-
lished by priority focus area. Novel KOSHS areas targeted for surveillance and research include worker deaths
by suicides; OHIs on work-related injuries using EMS and syndromic surveillance data; drug overdose deaths
by industry; light, medium, and heavy vehicle crash OHIs; a recovery-friendly workplace toolkit; dump truck,
semi-truck, pedestrian worker, and construction worker fatalities; high commercial vehicle crash locations,
rates, ratios, and savings; work-related older driver injuries; OHIs on drug-involved occupational injuries and
fatalities after a work-related injury; estimates of drug overdose rates and times based on injury, disability, and
loss of work; effect of occupational injuries on subsequent fatal overdose or fatal drug-related work injury and
risk profiles; and assessment of drug-involved worker injury risk. Advanced statistical methodologies such as
machine learning and probabilistic data linkage will be used. Integration of the KOSHS team with NIOSH and
NIOSH-funded programs, Safe Communities, CDC-funded programs, and National Safety Council is planned.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/21 → 6/30/26 |
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
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- 1 Active
Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance (KOSHS) Program
Pope, C. (PI), Souleyrette, R. (CoI), Stamatiadis, N. (CoI), Bunn, T. (Former PI) & Arnett, P. (Former CoI)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
7/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project