Kentucky Public Health Institute

  • Lamberth, Cynthia (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Our vision is tomorrow's health today accelerating the quality of life where people live, work, learn, and play. The Kentucky Public Health Institute (KYPHI) will serve as a convener and provide an independent and collective voice for the public's health in the Commonwealth. KYPHI will Build and/or support state and community partnerships to identify common needs, build action agendas, mobilize and share knowledge, commitments, and resources, and undertake transformative health improvement initiatives. Enhance and grow our Practice-Based Research Networks (KPHReN) to support community and state-level assessment, epidemiological surveillance, evaluation functions and action oriented research efforts. Identify funding opportunities and provide grant writing assistance to all partners to obtain grants and contracts from agencies and foundations. Conduct evidence-informed policy analysis to inform decision-making and public health practice. Provide training and technical assistance to assure statewide capacity for evidence-based prevention and health promotion practice and programs. Build Kentucky's public health and health improvement workforce
Effective start/end date8/1/123/31/14


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  • Kentucky Public Health Institute

    Lamberth, C. (PI)


    Project: Research project