Kentucky SBDC Portable Assistance Program FY 24

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky SBDC Child Care Initiative aims to provide SBDC services to support child care businesses. By providing technical, educational, and connection services for those starting, expanding and/or sustaining child care businesses throughout Kentucky, the Kentucky SBDC Child Care Initiative will be an active partner in helping to resolve the child care crisis in the Commonwealth. The Kentucky Small Business Development Center will design and implement programs that support the growth and sustainability of child care businesses. The success of this program will also assist in increasing access to child care businesses for lowand moderate-income families, as well as increase support for women-owned small businesses. The Kentucky SBDC Child Care Initiative aims to support and collaborate with the core child care partners and resources within Kentucky which include: Kentucky Youth Advocates, Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, Child Care Aware of Kentucky, and Family Child Care Network of Kentucky, etc.
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/25


  • Small Business Administration: $138,000.00


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