Kentucky's FSMA Implementation Agreement

Grants and Contracts Details


The goal of this multi-partner (Kentucky Food Safety Branch, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and University of Kentucky), three-year project is to help growers in Kentucky that will be affected by the Food Safety Modernization Act during their transition from pre- to post-FSMA practices. This project will also help the general grower population in Kentucky to understand minimum FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements, and have an on farm food safety plan in place. These extension objectives will also be complemented by field research to provide technical support. On-farm, laboratory, and grower impact and economics research will be conducted by graduate students (master’s and PhD). Grower outreach will include County meetings, trainings, video segments, an events calendar, FSMA resources webpage, and a chat room. Field days, and trade journal articles will complement the online outreach effort.
Effective start/end date7/1/196/30/20


  • KY Department of Agriculture: $280,000.00


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