KHIT 80, CFRP Application on KY 100 over CSX Railroad in Simpson County

Grants and Contracts Details


A number of prestressed concrete box beams on the two]span KY 100 Bridge (107B00035N) have severe cracking at the ends due to excessive shear, and/or torsion, and/or other causes. One span of the bridge extends over the CSX Railroad while the other is over South Railroad Street. The bridge is located in Simpson County, KY in KyDOH District 03. The objective of this study is to repair the bridge using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite fabric. The repair involves removal of unsound concrete in the spalled regions, cleaning of the rusted steel bars, application of primer and bonding agents, and application of concrete mortar. CFRP fabric and high strength resin will be applied on the outside girders to strengthen them.
Effective start/end date9/17/126/30/14


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $130,000.00


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