Kreis Scope: Mid-APPalachian Carbon Ore, Rare Earth and Critical Minerals (MAPP-CORE) Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


DE-FOA-0002364 Abstract The Mid-APPalachian Carbon Ore, Rare Earth and Critical Minerals (MAPP-CORE) Initiative proposes to address the upstream and midstream supply chain and downstream manufacturing of high-value, nonfuel, carbon-based products, utilizing Carbon Ore, Rare Earth and Critical Minerals (CORE-CM) resources within the Mid-Appalachian Basin, defined as West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. Our team provides a private-public partnership model for the execution of these goals, with support from nationally leading institutions, including: the West Virginia University Energy Institute, the University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech, the state geologic surveys of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, Synterra Corporation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TechConnect WV, and a diverse group of industrial advisors and stakeholders from throughout the resource and manufacturing supply chain for these materials, including leading companies in the mineral production, defense, transportation, and automotive industries. The overall vision for MAPP-CORE is to catalyze regional economic growth and job creation by realizing the full potential value of natural resources, such as coal, in the Mid-Appalachian Basin. The project will accomplish these goals by performing the following tasks: A basin assessment of CORE-CM resources and other resources, including waste streams that could be reused as fuels, feedstocks, or consumables in processes that produce CORE-CM Products; Preparation of R&D plans to fill information gaps in the assessments of CORE-CM resources and regional waste streams; Technology and Economic Gap Assessment and Identification to address barriers and spur growth for the basin’s CORE-CM resources, including and preparation of initial research plans to fill those gaps; Preparation of initial plans for technology innovation centers that will be developed and operated by basin-specific public-private partnerships; and Preparation of initial plans for stakeholder outreach and education that are necessary to support CORE-CM economic development activities.
Effective start/end date10/1/219/30/23


  • West Virginia University


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