KSEF RDE: Molecular Characterization of the Microbial Community of Invasive Arthropods

Grants and Contracts Details


I therefore propose to test the novel hypothesis that introduced species have fewer endosymbionts in their exotic than native ranges by comparing their microbial symbiont communities using a variety of molecular techniques (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE], cloning, and diagnostic PCR with symbiont-specific primers). All of the insect species proposed for investigation are relevant to Kentucky as invasive pests or introduced biological control agents of invasive species. The results will therefore provide insight into successful biological control of invasive species that have local economic or ecological impact. Additionally, the preliminary data collected in this study will be used to formulate further general hypotheses about endosymbionts in invasive species, and specific hypotheses about the ecological role of symbionts in individual systems. As a subdiscipline, endosymbiont ecology is in its infancy, and highly fundable at the federal level when appropriate preliminary data is available.
Effective start/end date7/1/096/30/10


  • KY Science and Technology Co Inc: $49,683.00


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