KVEC ARI Next Generation Leadership ARI

Grants and Contracts Details


The Next Generation Leadership and Next Generation Teacher Leadership Academies will be delivered in the ARI region and designed by UK P-20 Innovation Lab Faculty in collaboration with ARI Leadership team and district level Innovation Coordinators to ensure data driven relevancy. The Academies focus on the critical attributes of Next Generation Learning, developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The attributes spring from three primary sources: (1) a deepened understanding of the process of learning; (2) greater knowledge of sociocultural factors in learning; and (3) recognition that the world has changed. Specific professional learning strands will include: „X Personalizing learning, which calls for a data-driven framework to set goals, assess progress and ensure students receive the academic and developmental supports they need; „X Comprehensive systems of learning supports, which address social, emotional, physical and cognitive development along a continuum of services to ensure the success of all students; „X World-class knowledge and skills, which require achievement goals to sufficiently encompass the content knowledge and skills required for success in a globally-oriented world; „X Performance-based learning, which puts students at the center of the learning process by enabling the demonstration of mastery based on high, clear and commonly-shared expectations; „X Anytime, everywhere opportunities, which provide constructive learning experiences in all aspects of a child¡¦s life, through both the geographic and the Internet-connected community; and „X Authentic student voice, which engages students in directing and owning their individual learning and shaping the nature of the education experience among their peers. Participants will engage in ongoing communities of professional practice designed to develop tools, resources and protocols related to the professional learning strands. The on-going academies will focus on advancing systemic personalized learning and creating sustainability through a powerful investment in staff capability and emphasize a collaborative ¡§train the trainer¡¨ model of dissemination. Approximately 120 instructional leaders (Principals and district level staff) will participate each year in the Academy consisting of 8 direct contact days and ongoing involvement in communities of professional practice. 101 Teacher Leaders (1 teacher per ARI school) will participate annually in the Next Gen Teacher Leader Academy consisting of 8 direct contact days and ongoing engagement in communities of professional practice per participating ARI School - 101 participants.
Effective start/end date6/24/146/25/16


  • Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative: $430,133.00


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