KY Aids Education Training Center (KYAETC)

Grants and Contracts Details


We request funding for the Kentucky Performance Site (KYAETC) of the Southeast AIDS Training and Education Center (SEATEC). KYAETC is based in the Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky. The objective of the center is to provide targeted, multidisciplinary education and training to health care providers throughout the state of KY who diagnose and manage patients with HIV/AIDS. SEATEC is part of an 11 region network supported by the national AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) program and is administered through the Ryan White Care Act. The priority professionals targeted for trainings are physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, dental professionals and clinical pharmacists, with a special focus given to minority and minority- serving providers, rural providers and providers working in Ryan White-funded programs. The funds will be used to offer a variety of educational and training opportunities based upon assessed local needs. The educational approaches are designed to enhance and maximize learning including one-on-one preceptorships, individual and group consultations, state-wide conferences, workshops, and dissemination of resource materials. The grant will utilize the expertise of 5 faculty members of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine to provide the trainings as well as enlisted expert consultants to meet the training needs of the state. The center also employs a program coordinator and other administrative staff to fulfill the center’s goals.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/13


  • Emory University: $20,000.00


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