KY EPSCoR: FY21: NASA: RID Project: Microstructure-Based Thermomechanical Homogenization Using a Meshfree Framework - Match for 3200002377

Grants and Contracts Details


Computational multiscale models have been developed and widely applied to accounting for microstructural effects on the material performance at macroscale. Compared to concurrent multiscale approaches, the hierarchical models have the benefit of being more computationally inexpensive while yielding predictions to satisfactory prediction. However, the prediction accuracy of hierarchical models strongly depends on the material properties homogenized at lower scales. To this end, the finite element method (FEM) has been predominantly used in both mesoscale material properties homogenization and macroscale material behavior modeling and simulation. For simple and material-failure-free analysis, FEM provides the most efficient calculations due to its robust and fast convergence characteristics. However, for intricate microstructures, mesh generation becomes notoriously difficult for FEM. Moreover, FEM-based approaches have persistent issues in modeling material failure problems such as pathological dependencies in cohesive zone model and difficulty in crack tip tracking in extended finite element method. FEM-based methods become impractical in microstructure-based homogenization of material failure properties, such as fracture strength. The goal of this project is to develop predictive meshfree computational tools for microstructure- based thermomechanical property homogenization. The proposed research will result in a computationally efficient framework for accurate microstructure-based homogenization of thermomechanical properties including material failure properties. The specific objectives of this project include (1) developing a nonlocal meshfree heat conduction model for thermal properties homogenization, and (2) improving computational efficiency of the nonlocal meshfree mechanics model in mechanical properties homogenization. The proposed research addresses the objective of the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate in the area of Thermal Protection System Failure and Reliability Modeling, will help to build collaborative partnership between early-career faculty and NASA researchers to solve NASA technical problems. Follow-on activities include submitting applications based the results from this project to federal funding agencies including NASA in the broad area of material failure modeling.
Effective start/end date1/1/2112/31/21


  • KY Economic Development Cab


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