KY EPSCoR: FY23: STEM Outreach: High School Experience in NASA Propulsion Technology - Match for 3200003095

Grants and Contracts Details


STEM Outreach: High School Experience in NSA Propulsion Technology ABSTRACT Since it’s founding on July 1, 1960, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama has led the development of advanced propulsion systems for the space program. With a workforce of more than 6,000, today, the center continues that role. In addition to propulsion systems, Marshall makes human space exploration possible by leading the way in solving complex engineering problems, testing large, integrated space systems, landers and planetary excursion vehicles and advancing innovative manufacturing techniques. Marshall also leads and participates in numerous NASA education projects to engage and inspire new generations in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This project proposes such an experience for Kentucky based High School students with an interest in the STEM fields. Students will be selected from around the Commonwealth to participate in a two day learning experience focused on advanced propulsion and associated systems. The students will travel to Huntsville, Alabama, where they will: 1. Meet leaders in the advanced aerospace propulsion and engineering fields. 2. Tour the Michoud Assembly Facility where the largest element of the NASA Space Launch System (SLS) are being assembled for the Artemis mission to the Moon. 3. Learn about NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory – the world’s most powerful x-ray telescope and 4. Learn about recent discoveries and view images of celestial objects billions of light years away. Selection of the student group will consider the appropriate diversity and inclusion and will be based upon criteria developed with respect to academic progress, grade point average, standardized tests, recommendations for the program and submission of 500-word essay detailing their goals for the program. Upon return, students will provide a written report of their experience.
Effective start/end date12/1/226/30/23


  • KY Economic Development Cab


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