KY EPSCoR: Main NIFS: Fellowships for Non-UK Awards

  • Smith, Suzanne (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


NASA Kentucky proposes a Pathways of Opportunities strategy for aerospace STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) training and education in Kentucky for 2015-2018. A portfolio approach is used to solicit proposals in NASA-directed project categories including the following: NIFS, Higher Education, Research Infrastructure, Pre-College Education, and Informal Education, under which awards are made through competitively reviewed/selected requested proposals each budget year. Faculty-mentored, hands-on student experience projects is a proven education and training approach as evidenced by the recent NASA-funded education/training grant NNX14AR11A (UK 3048112042) submitted and managed by NASA Kentucky. State matching from Kentucky EPSCoR provides a substantial portion of the required match. The remainder of the required match is contributed by award-recipient institutions and the University of Kentucky as detailed in the budget justification.
Effective start/end date8/4/158/31/20


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