KY FY24 Vascular Streak Dieback Survey 1

Grants and Contracts Details


VSD Abstract Vascular streak dieback (VSD) is threatening nursery production in the southeastern United States. Little is known about this emerging dieback issue, but it has already caused signi?cant economic losses in the nursery industry. The fungus Rhizoctonia theobromae/Ceratobasidium theobromae has been isolated from trees exhibiting dieback, wilt and vascular streaking. This detection is a newly reported fungi in the region and more information about the distribution is needed. This survey builds upon the 2023 survey, expanding on both the a ected states and the host list, which have since increased in size. For this reason, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture is partnering with Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Oregon, and North Carolina to conduct a multi-state survey for VSD. This survey expands on a 2023 VSD survey in determining population distributions of Rhizoctonia theobromae/Ceratobasidium theobromae. Identi?cation of this pest assists with keeping populations geographically con?ned and determining population density and host range. In addition, this survey aims to identify if this disorder is impacting landscape planting, natural areas, or areas outside of locations where this disorder has previously been detected. Based on the results of the survey distribution, information collected may assist the USDA in determining if this pest should be considered a priority pest for future survey e orts. Using a standardized survey form, data collected at each location will help in determining any correlations between positive and negative sites and/or potential pathways. This survey aims to identify any plants with symptoms of VSD. Cercis sp. will be the primary target but other species exhibiting symptoms may also be collected. A Nursery Inspector from the University of Kentucky O ice of the State Entomologist will survey and sample 7 sites for VSD. The TN Dept of Ag plant pathologist will test samples from Tennessee, along with samples from Oregon, South Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Missouri, and Maryland. Anticipated sample diagnostics is within two weeks of sample submission. Extracted DNA will be shared with university partners to further research e orts.
Effective start/end date6/1/245/31/25


  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: $4,233.00


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