Ky. Resident Training Program in Rehabilitation Technology

Grants and Contracts Details


The primary purpose of this program is to provide knowledge, skills and opportunities for application of rehabilitation technology (RT) for residents in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. This training program will emphasize: (1) acquisition of knowledge and skills related to a broad range of RT devices and services; (2) the role played by the physiatrist on the interdisciplinary RT team; (3) the importance of early clinical patient exposure to RT; (4) the process for identification and assessment of RTrelated needs; (5) procedures for planning, coordinating and evaluating the application of RT services in both clinical and post-discharge settings; and, (6) direct field experience with the RT service delivery systems in vocational rehabilitation, independent living and rural/agricultural applications. The program will consist of two primary components: (1) a series of web-based training modules on RT and the use of an online, moderated discussion board to be delivered in years 2 and 3 of residency training; and, (2) a month-long rotation in year 3 of the residency program which will provide an opportunity for active participation in the planning and delivery of RT services in vocational, rural/agricultural and other community settings. The participants in this training program will be second and third year residents in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The rotation will be carried out in partnership with the RT staff of the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kentucky AgrAbility and the Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky. At the completion of the training program each scholar will sit for and attain the Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) Certification offered through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA).
Effective start/end date10/1/059/30/10


  • Department of Education: $412,785.00


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