Large Pilot CAER Heat Integrated Post-combustion CO2 Capture Technology for Reducing the Cost of Electricity

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Objectives: In order to meet the DOE's [NETL, 2013] performance goal of 90% CO2 capture with 95% CO2 purity at a cost of $40/tonne CO2 captured or less and at an incremental cost of electricity 30% less than baseline CO2 capture approaches by 2030, significant progress and breakthroughs in cost-effective techniques for capture are needed. In order to meet these ambitions goals, the UKy-CAER team scale-up its heat integration process to a 10 MWe post-combustion CO2 capture system for a coal-fired power. The proposed project will involve the design, fabrication; installation and testing of a large pilot facility that will showcase an innovative carbon capture system integrated with an operating power plant. While constantly working to reduce the cost of CO2 capture, the specific objectives of the proposed investigation are to: 1) quantify the benefits associated with the UKy-CAER process at the 10MWe scale with process installation and system integration; 2) explore the potential complexity and problematic challenge for system integration; and 3) provide scale-up data, and design and operational information for a commercial-scale demonstration of the same nature. Relevance and Outcomes/Impacts: The successful development of the proposed technology will have a multitude of public benefits. Tantamount among these is the utilization of the abundant, low cost, US energy resources, coal, for the production of reliable electricity within a foreseen period while the environmental concern is affordably managed and maintained. This will result in two major benefits: 1) A cost effective approach to the capture CO2 from utility coal-fired unit which could apply to any advanced solvents; 2) build the technology confidence and collect first hand-experience for utility personnel ; and 3) extend the individual key technology to a broad spectrum such as mass transfer enhancement and heat rejection reduction. The testing and data collected at the 10MWe scale will provide a clear path toward deployment at the >150MW commercial scale.
Effective start/end date10/1/1510/31/17


  • Department of Energy: $999,070.00


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