Large Scale Topside Electromagnetic Modeling

Grants and Contracts Details


Understanding topside electromagnetic field interactions on large naval vessels is essential to the design of various shipboard systems and sub-systems. Electromagnetic interactions underlie various critical properties such as vessel signatures, antenna radiation patterns, near field intensities, etc. Furthermore, modern topside designs are increasingly complex, and accurate electromagnetic modeling of these environments requires high fidelity computational electromagnetic (CEM) simulation tools. This proposal outlines a three-year research program designed to provide the Navy with a sophisticated, professional grade computational tool for modular, fast, direct topside electromagnetic modeling at all frequencies. The proposed effort is based on the continued integration of two complementary frameworks for CEM modeling. The first of these is the General Electromagnetic Framework (GEMF). GEMF provides a suite of professional-grade, object-oriented modules for general CEM analysis in both the frequency and time domain. Various types of high fidelity CEM solution strategies can be realized through an appropriate organization and instantiation of the available GEMF modules. In the present effort, a frequency domain integral equation based strategy is proposed for topside analyses. The use of the GEMF framework will yield a professional-grade simulation tool and will make subsequent extensions to the time domain and/or the finite element models straightforward. The second critical component of the proposed effort is the incorporation of advanced solver technologies based on the LOGOS (local-global solution) framework. The LOGOS framework provides a fundamental strategy for the efficient numerical solution of problems in computational electromagnetics based on the representation of general electromagnetic solution operators in a complete basis of local solution modes that satisfy global boundary conditions. It has been shown that such solution modes provide efficient general purpose preconditioners and direct solution strategies for electromagnetic problems. In the proposed effort, the LOGOS-based solvers will be further extended to develop a modular, fast, direct (MFD) solution strategy for high frequency applications. The complementary integration of the GEMF physics modeling engine with a library of LOGOS-based solution methods has previously been performed. This integration resulted in a novel, computationally efficient tool for underwater signature analysis and design. Within the present effort, a similar integration of GEMF integral equation solvers and LOGOS-based solver methodologies is proposed in order to develop novel computational tools for high frequency topside electromagnetic analysis and design. In addition to providing state-of-the-art modular electromagnetic analysis capabilities, the proposed simulation tool will be developed within a sophisticated, object-oriented software framework for general computational electromagnetic analysis. This will result in a professional-grade, next-generation electromagnetic signature modeling tool that is reliable, maintainable, and updateable. In this way, it is expected that the software tools developed under this effort will provide a strong foundation for future physics-based modeling efforts within the Navy. The proposed effort will rely on geometric models and meshes generated by third parties. The mesh formats supported will include those generated by Technosoft, Incorporated (TSI).
Effective start/end date5/16/1112/31/15


  • Office of Naval Research: $698,413.00


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