Grants and Contracts Details
This proposal sets forth a program of research to study the electronic spectra of main
group reactive intermediates, concentrating on free radicals containing phosphorus, arsenic
and boron. Our approach will be to use a variety of laser spectroscopic techniques to study the
reactive intermediates in the gas phase. These species will be generated by ela~tron impact
fragmentation of stable precursor compounds. In order to simplify complex spectra and obtain
as much information as possible, the reactive species will be prepared in supersonic free-jet
expansions so that they can be studied at very low rotational temperatures under collision-free
conditions. Laser-induced fluorescence, wavelength-resolved fluorescence, stimulated emission
pumping~ fluorescence depletion, fluorescence liiètime and r~onance enhanced multiphoton
ionization techniques will be used as appropriate to characterize the jet-cooled radicals.
Intellectual Merit of the Project:
In our proposed spectroscopic studies, we have targeted a variety of species whose
electronic spectra are largely unknown. The C,P and C,As radicals were recently identified in
our laboratory and require more detailed study. PCN and AsCN were tentatively detected by
conventional flash photolysis studies in 1968 but this work remains unconfirmed by
experiment. Similarly, the X,PO, X2PS and X,AsO (H = H, F, Cl, Br) free radicals are new
species whose electronic spectra have not been studied. From a fundamental point of view, the
chemistry of phosphorus and arsenic compounds is often very different from their nitrogen
analogs, which strongly motivates this work. CCP and PCN are also strong candidates for
interstellar molecules but need a database of terrestrial laboratory measurements prior to
searches by radioastronomy. We also know very little about the boron-containing free radicals
HBX (X = F, Cl, Br), BF, and BCI,, despite their likely intermediacy in a variety of industrial
processes. Preliminary studiesin our labontory have established the feasibility of most of the
proposed experiments, providing strong evidence that the program of research will be
successful and productive.
Broader Impacts of the Proposed Research:
Although the research is fundamental in nature, it has a much broader impact. Our
interest in arsenic, boron and phosphoEus species stems from their importance as reactive
intermediates in processes used to modify the electronic characteristies of semiconducting
materials. Doping with group Ill and V elements substantially changes the pmperties of
intrinsic semiconductors and our research is aimed at developing sensitive spectroscopic
methods for detecting, identifying, and characterizing the free radicals that can be formed in
such processes. Free radicals containing phosphorus are also of current interest in
astrophysics, as they are known to exist in interstellar gas clouds and circumstellar
The spectroscopic information obtained from the work outlined in this proposal will
provide necessary data for future studies of these reactive species in industrial processes and
chemical reactions. The data will also be invaluable for laboratory studies of their reaction
kinetics. These spectroscopic studies will establish important primary data about the molecular
structures, energy levels, and electronic transitions of a series of intermediates for which little
precise information is currently available. The research will also provide training for a new
generation of physical chemists in a technically demanding and challenging area of science in
which there is a dearth of well-qualified practitioners.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 8/1/08 → 7/31/12 |
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