Logan's Fort Cultural Heritage Tourism Feasibility Study Agreement


Grants and Contracts Details


The overall project has been underway since the beginning of September. Initial phases of the project have been broken down into secondary data collection, telephone survey, and marketing materials analysis. To date the following tasks have been accomplished or are nearing completion: . 1. Economic, demographic, and tourism data has been collected for the counties that form the Heritage Trail Corridor. Whenever possible, a ten year spread (with the oldest data serving as a reference point) of data was compiled for each county. Economic development plans for Lincoln County were also acquired. Where this data does not already exist in spreadsheet form, it is being entered in spreadsheets for later analysis. Similar data is being collected for counties in surrounding regions. 2.' A telephone survey was conducted using the preliminary Heritage Corridor Resource Guide. Over 150 contacts were made with operators of attractions, restaurants, retail establishments, and lodging facilities. Information collected identified seasonal visitation cycles, visitor home locations, tourism patterns, and the general telephone presence of the individual operators answering the phone. This information is to be incorporated into the master dataset for analysis. 3. Marketing materials were collected for attractions in the corridor and in the region. This included brochures, handouts, and websites. This material is being assessed for location, interest, and design effectiveness. 4. Information on forts, settlements, and battlefields is being collected. This includes resources inside Kentucky and other areas of the Upland South. The type of analysis being conducted includes marketing, interpretation plans, site setup, seasonal visitation patterns, and an annotated bibliography of the professional literature surrounding the preservation, interpretation, and operation of such sites. A review of the literature is planned throughout the remainder of the project. Visits to a selection of these sites is ~£h~dule~.g\lril1gthe.~~nth of October.
Effective start/end date9/15/035/31/04


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