Long Range Planning for Kentucky's Expanded CVISN Program, RSF 31

Grants and Contracts Details


Objective: The objective is this project is to update Kentucky's Expanded CVISN Program Plan and TopLevel Design (PP&TLD).T he KTC Research Team will perform the following tasks to complete the objectives of this project: Task I-Planningfor Project & Review of Current PP&TLD: This task will begin with time set aside to plan for all aspects of the project. The next step will involve an in-depth review of the current PP&TLD in order to identify areas that need to be updated through this process. KTC staff will work with the CVISN team to identify areas of the PP&TLD that need to be revised. Task 2 - Collect Stakeholder Input on Future Plans-CV1SN Team Retreat: KTC will organize and host a CVISN Team Retreat in order to brainstorm and plan for future CVISN deployment. Prior to the Retreat, CVISN Team members will be asked to think about and brainstorm on their own regarding future enhancements to the CVISN program. At the retreat, the CVISN team will be lead through a consensus workshop where they will reach consensus on priorities for deployment. Task 3 - Collect Information on Current Program: This task will take the findings ofthe review (from Task 1) and then identify the appropriate stakeholders to collect the correct information on Kentucky's current program. KTC Staffwill interview CVISN team members to obtain information for this task. Task 4 - Revise PP&TLD: The findings from Tasks 2 and 3 will be utilized to update the PP&TLD. The revised document will be circulated for comments to the CVISN team. Task 5 - Submit PP&TLD and Revise as Needed: The final copy of the PP&TLD will be submitted with Kentucky's 2012 CVISN grant application.
Effective start/end date10/15/116/30/12


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $70,000.00


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