LTAP Safety Circuit Rider Program

Grants and Contracts Details


The Technology Transfer Program will employ an individual with expertise in transportation engineering to be responsible for promoting technologies and providing technical expertise to local officials. The objective will be to reduce crashes on locally managed roadways and those state roadways classified as local. High emphasis will be placed on reducing roadway departure crashes on roads that meet the definition ofa high risk rural road (functional classification ofrural major or minor collector on rural local road). The Safety Circuit Rider will assist in the identification ofroadway hazards specific to a given road and offer advice on appropriate countermeasures. Training sessions will be held outlining low-cost safety improvements and proper installation methods. As necessary, arrangements will be made to provide training based upon the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide.
Effective start/end date3/1/112/28/13


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $293,500.00


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