Lu Tianjun Scope: UK Cares Career Development Award: Advancing Environmental Health Sciences: Enhancing Air Quality Exposure Assessment, Cancer Impact Research, and Community Engagement

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract As an Assistant Professor in Epidemiology and Environmental Health at the University of Kentucky, my multidisciplinary expertise in urban planning, geography, and environmental science enables me to integrate built environment analysis, exposure assessment, community engagement, and environmental health research. This CAREER proposal aims to advance environmental health sciences by developing community-based air pollution monitoring and high-resolution modeling, exploring the links between air pollution and childhood cancer, and enhancing environmental health literacy through innovative communication tools. By leveraging collaborations and specialized training, I seek to contribute to the understanding of environmental health disparities, drive interventions to reduce health inequities, and empower communities to advocate for their well- being.
Effective start/end date6/3/234/30/28


  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences


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