Machining Performance Evaluation in Near-Dry Machining of Aluminum Alloys

Grants and Contracts Details


This Production Realization and Environment Manufacturing Innovative Systems (PREMISE) project is aimed at establishing the major effects of spray cooling under a wide range of cutting conditions, tool geometry and three major aluminum work materials (356, 380 and 390) in most commonly known automotive machining operations covering turning, milling, and drilling. The effects of influencing parameters such as the fluid (and mist) flow rate, air pressure, direction of spray (and the nozzle position), type and composition of fluid, etc., are to be studied and compared for machining performance measures such as tool-wear/tool-life, cutting forces, chip-forms/chip breakability, surface roughness, etc. A sensitivity analysis will be made in order to identify the major influencing parameters and relevant empirical relationships will be derived for practical applications. At the end, a full range of validation is proposed. The project will be conducted in four overlapping phases in twelve months. The findings of this project will validate and establish the feasibility of using spray cooling to replace conventional flood cooling in specific applications, thus avoiding the disadvantages such as extremely harmful environmental pollution, negative influence on personnel health, increased production costs and poor energy efficiency, etc., prevalent in flood cooling. The machining performance will not be compromised in spray cooling applications. The identification of the primary influencing parameters in spray cooling is important for machining process planning. The experimental data generated and the relevant empirical relationships established from this project will also serve as the basis for developing analytical models for use in the optimization of machining processes.
Effective start/end date10/1/026/30/04


  • National Science Foundation: $100,000.00


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