Grants and Contracts Details
1. Statement of Hypothesis
Tbe hypothesis of the proposed investigation is that a better fundamental understanding of
magnetocombustion behavior can be gained by examining, in a reduced-gravity environment, a laminar
jet diffusion flame in the presence of an applied non-uniform magnetic field. A corollary to this
h~othe~is is that the use of th~rmal i~ging (using holographic interferometry) and optical imaging
(usmg smgle reflex camera) wIll proVIde the needed data to develop a mathematical model capable of
accurately predicting magnetocombustion behavior.
2. Objectives and Specific Tasks
Developing a fundamental understanding of the interaction between magnetic fields and combustion
processes is the ultimate goal of this research. The program outlined in this document seeks to achieve
this goal by examining the impact of non-uniform magnetic fields on laminar jet diffusion flames. The
three principal objectives of the proposed effort are:
1. To experimentally observe, in an environment where buoyant forces are negligible, the effect of nonuniform
magnetic fields on diffusion flame characteristics and on the associated temperature fields;
2. To better understand the behavior of laminar diffusion flames in qon-uniform magnetic fields and the
impact that paramagnetism and diamagnetism have with regard to transport phenomena in the vicinity
of such flames; and
3. To use this understanding to formulate closed-form mathematical models that can more accurately
predict the observed magnetocombustion behavior.
A secondary objective of the proposed investigation is to use the insight gained during the course of the
investigation to better define the problem of interest Le., identify critical areas of research needed for the
practical development of magnetocombustion technology. The proposed effort will also seek to develop
holographic interferometry as a microgravity combustion diagnostic tool.
The above objectives will be achieved through the completion of the following tasks:
1) A closed-form mathematical model of laminar jet diffusion flames in the presence of non-uniform
magnetic fields will be formulated. A parametric investigation will be undertaken and the results of
.this investigation will be used to defme a set of experimental conditions.
2) An experimental test cell will be built that is capable of producing both optical and holographic
interferograms of laminar jet diffusion flames in the presence of non-uniform magnetic fields. A
detailed safety analysis will be conducted to ensure that the test cell meets all safety requirements for
the respective reduced-gravity carrier.
3) Using the test cell developed in task 2, data will be gathered in a terrestrial environment both with and
without an applied magnetic field. Tests without an applied magnetic field will be performed in order
to verify the accuracy of the experimental data. Verification will be achieved through comparisons
with previously published data and existing mathematical models of laminar jet diffusion flames.
Tests with an applied magnetic field will be performed to provide control data for comparison with
the results obtained in a reduced-gravity environment.
4) A series ~f re~uced-gravity e~periments will be conducted using the test cell developed in task 2.
Info~tlon w~Ilbe recorded In ~e fonn of optical images and holographic interferograms. These
expenments wIll be used to examme the behavior of laminar jet diffusion flames as a function of:
. Type of fuel,
Flow rate,
Burner port diameter,
Peak magnetic induction, and
Magnetic field gradient.
Note that control data will also be recorded for the case of laminar jet diffusion flames without an
applied magnetic field (in a reduced-gravity environment).
5) The data obtained in Task 4 will be analyzed:
. To develop experimental flame shape correlations to be compared with the results from the
above-mentioned mathematical model (Task 1);
. To identify and resolve any discrepancies between the experimental results and the
results from the mathematical model;
. To qualitatively examine the thermal field in the vicinity of the flame and the impact that a
non-unifonn magnetic field has on the thermal field; . To draw conclusions. as to the impact of non-unifonn magnetic fields on flame temperature
and the temperature distribution of the fluid surrounding the flame; and
. To identify any magnetocombustion issues that the current investigation does not
adequately address.
6) The effectiveness of using holographic interferometry as a combustion diagnostic tool for
micro gravity combustion research will be evaluated. If the results of this investigation show that
holographic interferometry is a viable tool for microgravity combustion research, a preliminary effort
will be undertaken to examine the use of holographic interferometry for species measurements. Such
quantitative infonnation would significantly enhance magnetocombustion research as well as microgravity
combustion research in general.
7) An outreach program will be used to publicize, to the general public, the work being done in this
investigation. The outreach program will consist of presentations at local engineering professional
societies, presentations aimed at middle and high school age students, and a Web-based informattonal
site. In addition to providing information on magnetocombustion, the outreach program emphasize
the importance of combustion to society and the importance of microgravity combustion research.
'8) The information gained during the course of this investigation be used to determine if a future flightbased
experimental investigation is warranted. The knowledge gained from the investigation outlined
in this proposal will also be used to identify the most appropriate experimental test cases for any
future flight-based experiments, should they be deemed necessary.
9) A final report wiIl be submitted that thoroughly outlines the formulation of the mathematical and
experimental models as well as a complete listing of the results obtained during the course of the
investigation. This report will also provide technical details of the experimental test cell and the
exp~rimental procedures. Finally, the report wiIl identify potentially critical areas for future research.
CopIes of any conference/journal papers and a CD-ROM copy of the final report will also be provided.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/18/01 → 12/31/04 |
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