Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean with Foliar Fungicides and Resistant Varieties

Grants and Contracts Details


Frogeye leaf spot is a common soybean disease in Kentucky, and can reduce soybean yields significantly when not managed. Since strobilurin fungicide-resistant strains of the frogeye leaf spot pathogen (Cercospora sojina) are now commonly found in Kentucky, management of this disease requires more effort than before. This proposed research project will evaluate different foliar fungicide products on different soybean varieties that differ in their susceptibility to frogeye leaf spot. The proposed field research trials will be conducted at eight locations across Kentucky (at the same sites as the University of Kentucky Soybean Variety Performance Tests). The overall objective of this research is to identify best management practices for reducing yield losses caused by frogeye leaf spot.
Effective start/end date4/1/173/31/18


  • Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $22,750.00


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