Matching Grant: Building and Refining a Geologic Sequestration Framework for the Region (Kentucky part of MRCSP, Phase 2)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Geological Survey proposes to study the potential for sequestration of carbon dioxide in geologic units beneath the surface of eastern and central Kentucky in partnership with the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, which is headed by Battelle. Because our state has a number of large, coal-fired power plants that emit carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it is critical that we evaluate the potential for sequestration in our state so that future decisions on emissions can be made with the best-available data and methods can be developed for reducing the environmental impact of these emisisons. This research also could lead to using carbon dioxide emissions to enhance recovery of oil and natural gas in eastern Kentucky. It also provides essential research that could be used to attract the FutureGen site to Kentucky.
Effective start/end date1/1/066/30/08


  • KY Office of Energy Policy: $72,625.00


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