Maximizing the Impact of a Critical Skills Curriculum for Prescribers

  • Pfeifle, Andrea (PI)
  • Elder, William (CoI)
  • Hadley, Robert (CoI)
  • Jones, Shelly (CoI)
  • Dassow, Paul (Former PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


practicing clinicians, will develop educational modules to improve prescribing behaviors. A set of five inter-related modules will be customized for students and for clinicians. Each module will utilize interactive formats lhat are exportable to most learning environments. The student modules will initially be incorporated into a medical school curriculum, reaching 416 students. Additionally, the modules will be incorporated into the Physician Assistant Program, reaching 150 students. The clinician modules will debut at a large Family Medicine Review course reaching 450 clinicians from the central United States. Placement of this latter set of modules on an established web portal will assure access to over 20,000 additional clinicians. Marketing of the student and clinician modules will include submission to the Association of American Medical Colleges' MedEdPORT AL, advertisement in prominent medical journals, presentations at national conferences, and publications in medical education journals. Evaluation data reporting the impact of each module, as well as the impact of the complete set of modules on clinician prescribing behavior will be made available to the health professions education community.
Effective start/end date9/1/066/1/09


  • State of Oregon Department of Justice: $362,114.00


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