Grants and Contracts Details
Project Overview
Evolutionary theory predicts that speciation with gene flow is difficult, yet empirical data indicate such
divergence scenarios are common in nature. To reconcile these seemingly contradictory findings, the
proposed work takes advantage of an experimentally tractable pair of pine sawfly species (Neodiprion
lecontei and N. pinetum) that are adapted to different pines and have exceptional genomic resources,
extensive complementary data, and a history of divergence with gene flow. First, larval diet manipulations
of the focal species and their reciprocal male and female hybrids will be used to quantify reproductive
isolation on all combinations of host plants and evaluate the role of phenotypic plasticity in promoting
speciation with gene flow. Second, larval transcriptomes of the two species and their reciprocal F1 hybrids
reared on both parental hosts will be used to uncover how divergent transcriptional responses to larval diet
contribute to host adaptation and gene misexpression in hybrids. Third, QTL mapping in haploid F2 males
reared on both parental hosts will be used to describe the genetic architecture of host-dependent and host-
independent hybrid viability, larval performance, and adult male morphology. Because this work provides
intuitive examples of the complexity of phenotypic variation and mechanisms through which natural
selection produces new species, data from the proposed work will be used to develop a case study and
scientist spotlights for use in introductory Biology courses and to fuel student-driven research.
Intellectual Merit
The overarching goal of the proposed work is to understand genetic, phenotypic, and developmental
mechanisms underlying ecological speciation and divergence with gene flow. The data generated will
advance our understanding of speciation by comprehensively evaluating proposed mechanisms that
facilitate divergence with gene flow, including clustered genetic architectures for barrier traits, genomic
features that prevent recombination form breaking up associations among barrier loci, and plastic
responses to dissimilar habitats that reduce gene flow between diverging populations. Moreover, the
proposed work will make significant progress on two major gaps in modern speciation research: (1)
connecting lab-based estimates of reproductive isolation and barrier locus effect sizes to gene flow and
genetic differentiation in nature and (2) identifying and functionally characterizing ecological speciation
genes. This work also stands apart from other mechanistic speciation studies in three additional respects.
First, together with previous mapping experiments, the proposed work will provide a more complete
description of the genetic architecture of ecological speciation—including barrier traits expressed in
larvae, males, and females—than is available for most taxa. Second, by characterizing gene expression,
barrier traits and loci, and reproductive isolation in both parental habitats, the proposed work will provide
an unusually comprehensive analysis of how and why phenotypic plasticity affects prezygotic and
postzygotic isolation. Third, by focusing on haplodiploid taxa with strong (but incomplete) reproductive
isolation, the proposed research fills important taxonomic and temporal gaps in speciation research.
Broader Impacts
The proposed research has many broader impacts. First, by incorporating a case study and scientist
spotlights for use in introductory Biology (~1500 students per year), the proposed work is expected to
have significant benefits for student learning, science identity, and belonging, as well as reducing
reductionist racist thinking. Second, by disseminating the case study to the broader science education
community and training a graduate student in educational research, the proposed work will improve
STEM education and contribute to educator development. Third, by providing several different avenues
for undergraduate participation in research—including traditional independent research, an evolutionary
research CURE course, and paid summer research—the proposed work is expected to improve analytical
skills, self-efficacy, persistence in STEM, and evolution understanding and acceptance in at least 24
students per year. Such benefits are expected to be especially pronounced for women and racially
minoritized groups. Fourth, the proposed activities will increase participation from women, racially
minoritized groups, first-generation students, and students from at-risk Appalachian communities.
Finally, graduate students and postdocs involved in this project will receive exceptional training in
research, mentoring, and teaching.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/24 → 3/31/28 |
- National Science Foundation: $1,335,651.00
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