Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
The Kentucky Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (KRHFP/Flex) is under the auspice of the
Kentucky State Office of Rural Health (KSORH), which is housed within the University of Kentucky Center
of Excellence for Rural Health (UK CERH) located in Hazard, a rural area in the Appalachian Mountains of
southeastern Kentucky. The vision of the KRHFP is to help sustain access to appropriate healthcare
services of high qualify in rural communifles by strengthening and improving the rural healthcare
infrastructure. Since the incep~on of the Flex Program in 1999, the KSORH and the KRHFP have partnered
with the Kentucky Hospital Associabon and together they hold annual statewide stakeholders meelings and
periodic on-site visits to consult with hospital administrators and staff on the most appropriate uihizafion of
grant funds. The KRHFP is committed to working with partners who share the same activifies and values.
The KRHFP partners include but are not limited to, KY Hospital Association, KY Primary Care Association,
Ky' Department of Public Health, KY Area Health Education Centers, KY Board of Emergency Medical
Services, Murray State and Eastern and Western Universities. The goals of the KRHFP are:
Development and Implementation of Rural Health Networks
Support of existing CAHs and Eligible Hospitals
Improvement and Integration of EMS Services
Improving Quality of Care 2
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/00 → 8/31/10 |
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- 1 Finished
Kentucky Rural Health Works Program
Davis, A. (PI)
Health Resources and Services Administration
9/1/00 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project