Mid-America Integrated Seismic Network -- University of Kentucky

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal addresses routine operation and maintenance of the University of Kentucky component of the Mid-America Integrated Seismic Network (MAISN), a cooperative effort between the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis, Saint. Louis University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the University of South Carolina at Columbia, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) at the University of Kentucky, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Significant portions of the proposal are identical between cooperating institutions; local specifics are discussed in the Project Plan. The proposal outlines progress toward integrating the participants and plans for moving toward operation as a single ANSS Region and for compliance with developing standards and procedures. CERI acts as the regional processing center, providing centralized functionality where duplication is inefficient. Each institution provides core operations and maintenance as well as locally specific tasks and expertise where appropriate. The purposes of the MAISN are twofold: 1. Provide scientists, engineers, public and private entities, emergency responders, and the media with rapid and reliable information about felt and damaging earthquakes within a timeframe that maximizes the utility of the information. 2. Provide high-quality data in a timely manner to the scientific and engineering communities for the purpose of improving: a) seismic hazard estimation for urban population centers and the lifelines and critical facilities upon which they depend b) estimation and measurement of strong ground motions c) our understanding of the basic earthquake process and seismotectonics of earthquake zones, particularly in intraplate regions.
Effective start/end date1/1/041/31/07


  • US Geological Survey: $107,921.00


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