Miscellanous State Projects

  • Toussaint, Paul (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


OBJECTIVE: To conduct on request special studies relating to transportation dealing with policy, fmance and economic issues generated from a variety of sources. Often these issues require a very rapid turn around time. These funds would be directed at quick response type efforts to summarize the issues and offer reasoned recommendations when appropriate. BACKGROUND: Frequently questions arise from management, legislative branch or private citizens, dealing with financial, economic or policy actions relating to transportation. Often it is expected that the answers will be available in a relatively short time. It is essential that reliable data be developed to address these questions since it could dramatically impact future policy or legislative action. The Kentucky Transportation Center would be available on request to provide staff to address these problems. Anticipated activities would include in-depth literature searches, gathering of current and relevant economic/financial statistics and indicators, evaluate practices in other states and throughout the nation, and where necessary provide the data in a format that will enable explanation of the data in the easiest possible manner. FY 2006 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Work was approved to answer several questions concerning State Infrastructure Banks (Sills). Work and reporting to be completed by May 30, 2006. PROJECTED COST THROUGH FY 2006: PROGRAMMED COST FY 2007: $ 12,000 $100,000
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


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