Grants and Contracts Details
a. Objectives: This proposal aims to further our understanding of the effects of multiple
environmental stressors, both natural and anthropogenic, on a wildlife population of the salamander,
Ambystoma barbouri. Our objectives are to: 1) build, implement and evaluate a spatiaUy-explici~
individual-based population model, 2) conduct experiments to measure the effects of multiple stressors
on parameters that enter into the model (e.g. survivaJ, fecundity, growth, extinction rates). and 3)
measure endocri,ne and physiological variables to investigate potential mechanisms underlying effects
of multiple stressors on the parameters that enter into the model. A. barbouri was selected due to
increasing concern over the apparent global decline of amphibians and because amphibian life history
characteristics make them particularly vulnerable to multiple stressors. To produce a realistic, situationspecific
model, the combinatorial effects of multiple stressors likely to be encountered by this
population will be used to model population demography (growth, survival, fecundity, extinction rates).
These stressors. include habitat ephemerality (desiccation), predator-prey interactions
(chemoreception, locomotion, drift) and anthropogenic pollutants (atrazine), In addition, physiological
endpoints (hormone balance,. enzyme induction) will be studied to elucidate mechanisms underlying
amphibian response to multiple stressors. Parameters for the model will be derived from these and
other empirical data; sensitivity analysis will identify the influence of each parameter, and the model will
be validated against an existing data set.
lb. Approach: Salamander eggs will be collected from a. wildlife population, divided into multiple
treatment groups and exposed to combinations of atrazine (a widely used herbicide), density stress,
desiccation and predation throughout embryonic and larval development. Larvae will be assessed for
growth, developmental rate, time to and size at metamorphosis, locomotor ability, activity levels, use of
refugia, predator avoidance and drift rates. Following metamorphosis, juveniles will be evaluated for
growth, time to maturity and survival. Adult reproductive capacity will be examined by studying male
and femal.e gonadal histopathology. To understand mechanisms of action of multiple stressors,
physiologically relevant parameters (estradiol-Up, testosterone, corticosterone, prolactin, thyroid
hormones, vitel/agenin and steroid metabolizing enzymes) will be quantified at four different stages
(early and late metamerphs, juveniles and adults).
c. Expected results and benefits: The proposed research will help elucidate the effects of realworld
risks posed by multiple stressors on a model species representative of a group of particular
concern (amphibians). This research will result in a spatially-explicit individual-based model of
population demography (growth, survival, fecundity and extinction rates) that discerns the effects of
stressors, singly and in combination, and facilitates assessment of population sustain ability. The
resulting life history data will relate stressor-response relationships to demography. In addition, this
research will enhance our mechanistic understanding of stress responses, significantiy improving the
predictive capability of the model. This model should prove useful to wildlife managers and risk
assessors due to its incorporation of multiple stressors and its simple conceptual basis, which makes it
readily modifiable for use with other species and other stressers. This work will generate new
knowledge on the sensitivity of this little studied group (amphibians) to multiple environmental stressors
and should increase our understanding of current amphibian declines worldwide.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 11/26/01 → 11/25/05 |
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