Modulation of Asparagine Bioavailability and Stress Response Signaling to Enhance T Cell Robustness and Maximize Immunotherapy

Grants and Contracts Details


Dr. Teresa W.-M. Fan at the University of Kentucky will perform the following tasks as outlined in Specific Aim 1 of this proposal. 1. Determine the metabolic fates of 13C6-glucose, 13C5,15N2-glutamine, and 13C3-lactate in effector T cells by modulating extracellular asparagine levels. This will be achieved by employing a combination of NMR and ultra high-resolution mass spectrometric analyses. 2. Participate in experimental design and data acquisition/analysis/ interpretation in tracer and metabolomics-edited transcriptomic studies.
Effective start/end date2/15/211/31/25


  • Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital: $60,435.00


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