Morphological, Physico-Chemical, and Mineralogical Characterization of Kentucky Soils

  • Karathanasis, Anastasios (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Cooperative Soil Survey program depends on the soil characterization support of the Pedology-Mineralogy Laboratory of UKAES in order to maintain a quality control over the soil survey activities in the state. The UKAES, as one of the leaders in this program, provides soil characterization data as well as pedological and soil use interpretations to USDA-NRCS scientists through an array of laboratory and field activities. This information has been critical for the successful completion of the once over mapping of the state and is currently used to update, modernize and digitize old soil surveys. Soil survey reports are the best available sources of soil information. As demographics, technologies, land uses, and management practices change there is a strong need to keep our soils information data bases current to address local, regional, and national concerns. The research information generated through this project will enable private and public service sectors to make more informed environmental assessments and resource management decisions.
Effective start/end date9/1/138/31/16


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