MSP: Modeling for Understanding in Science and Engineering (MUSE)

Grants and Contracts Details


Although there are numerous programs and materials available for integrating engineering into elementary and middle school science content, there are very few designed for high school and none specific for the Next Generation Science Standards. With the addition of Global Climate Change and several human health-related core ideas in the Framework for K-12 Science Education, high school science programs will need assistance with developing units that address these concepts and integrate engineering core ideas as well. MUSE will target teams of 4 high school science teachers from different disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, physical science, or anatomy and physiology) from 8 schools. These teams will work with the partnership team from the University of Kentucky from January, 2013 to September, 2014 to develop and implement two multi-disciplinary units of study aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards that integrate engineering to assist in learning the science. The units will utilize the eight scientific and engineering practices and seven cross-cutting concepts to facilitate learning.
Effective start/end date3/25/139/30/13


  • KY Department of Education: $140,000.00


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