Grants and Contracts Details
I. Introduction
CO2 capture by membrane is a promising technique because it is energy efficient and simple to operate. One of the potential application for CO2 separation membrane is an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant with CO2 capture by CO2 selective membrane (Figure 1). For this application, the membrane is required to have high CO2/H2 selectivity. However, only a limited number of polymer membranes are reported to show CO2 selectivity over H2, because H2 exhibits a much higher diffusivity than CO2 because of its smaller molecular size.
We are currently developing molecular gate membrane modules that effectively separate CO2 during the IGCC process. Unlike conventional CO2 selective membranes, molecular gate membranes show exceptionally high CO2 separation over H2. The concept of molecular gate membrane is shown in Figure 2. In the membrane, CO2 reacts with amino groups to form either carbamate or bicarbonate, which acts as a gate to block the passage of H2. Consequently, the amount of H2 diffusing to the other side of the membrane is greatly reduced and high-concentration CO2 can be obtained at the permeate side.
We established the Molecular Gate Membrane Module Technology Research Association (MGMTRA) on Feb. 17, 2011, for the purpose of developing the high-performance CO2 selective membrane modules and separation systems for IGCC with CO2 capture. In the METI project, "CO2 Separation Membrane Module Research and Development Project" (2011FY-2014FY), we developed membrane materials, membrane modules and separation systems. So far, we succeeded in improving the separation performance of the molecular gate membranes, and the target CO2 separation performance was obtained under high-pressure conditions of 2.4 MPa using laboratory-scale membranes.
II. Objectives
One of the objectives of the current project is to examine the separation performances and robustness of the membranes and membrane elements (abbreviated to “elements”) developed by MGMTRA in pre-combustion CO2 capture tests.
In the current NEDO project, (“CO2 Separation Membrane Module Practical Research and Development” (2018FY- ), we are developing the membranes and elements, and plan to evaluate the separation performances and robustness of membranes and membrane modules in pre-combustion CO2 capture tests using the real gas from the gasifier. University of Kentucky-Center for Applied Energy Research (UK-CAER) has a test facility for pre-combustion, with various pre-treatment equipment, and suitable for the test of the membrane and elements.
In this contract, the separation performance of the various membranes and elements will be examined.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/18 → 9/30/20 |
- Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth: $72,232.00
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