National Center and State Collaborative General Supervision Enhancement Grant

  • Kearns, Jacqueline (PI)
  • Kleinert, Jane (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Year l: Convene the Professional Development Advisory Group Meet with resea'rch and curriculum teams to incorporate new findings into materials. Produce NAAC Professional Development materials based on introduction to the CC Standards and Communication Triage for broad dissemination via electronic means to all teachers. Deploy Professional Development Staff consultants to interface with state AA Staff to plan curriculum/communication spring/summer institutes and technical assistance webinars Host Curriculum spring/summer Institutes in 10 locations for 30 - 50 teachers each representing all the states, Two consultant trainers per training. Provide six follow-up coaching webinars for the teacher CoPs in each state for curriculum and communication triage for a total of 108 Coaching Webinars. Disseminate produced introductory curriculum and communication training via electronic means in easy downloadable application (Le., U-Tube). Develop evaluation instruments to determine effectiveness of materials and technical assistance. Year 2 -Professional Development Meet with research and curriculum teams to incorporate new findings into materials. Meet with assessment design team to prepare for assessment training materials Produce curriculum and communication examples resulting from the Summer Institutes Convene the Professional Development Advisory Group to plan activities for Year II Convene one 1.5 day Curriculum Summit for 1 CoP teacher and one curriculum expert/general education partner in either math or language arts from each state to develop additional curriculum examples aligned to the Common Core Standards (38 teachers). Convene one 1.5 day Communication Summit for 1 CoP teacher and a speech language pathologist from each state to develop expertise in identifying and supporting students who are developing symbolic language (38 teachers). Professional Development Staff consultants and state staff plan Year 11-curriculum/communication spring/summer institutes. Provide six follow-up coaching webinars for the teacher CoPs in each state for curriculum and communication triage for a total of 108 Coaching Webinars. Develop Teacher / Principal Evaluation Protocols Year III Meet with research and curriculum teams to incorporate new findings into training and technical assistance materials. Meet with assessment design team to design assessment administration materials. Finalize and package curriculum resource documents and communication technical assistance manual. Provide 3 - 6 Coaching webinars for the teacher CoPs in each state for Core Content Standards curriculum and communication triage per state. Host Curriculum spring/summer Institutes in 10 locations for 30 - 50 teachers each. representing all the states years 1 and III. Develop assessment administration training, accommodations training, and interpreting results training materials and presentations. results training. Teacher / Principal Evaluation Protocols Year IV Finalize & Produce Teacher/ Principal Evaluation Protocols. Finalize all assessment administration training materials and products. Meet with research and curriculum teams to incorporate new findings into training materials. Meet with assessment team to finalize assessment administration materials. Provide curriculum and communication coaching webinars up to six per state. Convene one 1.5 day Curriculum Summit for 1 CoP teacher and one curriculum expert/general education partner in either math or language arts from each state to develop additional curriculum examples aligned to the Common Core Standards (38 teachers). Convene one 1.5 day Communication Summit for 1 CoP teacher and a speech language pathologist from each state to develop expertise in identifying and supporting students who are developing symbolic language (38 teachers). Produce materials based on final summit activities.
Effective start/end date10/1/109/30/15


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