National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives (ECELC)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Partnership for Early Childhood Services, housed at the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (UK-HDI) is designed to coordinate and support the Kentucky Department of Public Health in a grant through the National Early Care and Learning Collaborative (ECELC) Project. A sub-award from Nemours has been granted to the Kentucky Department of Public Health to assist early care and education (ECE) providers improve healthy eating, physical activity, breastfeeding support and screen time policies and practices as part of the National Early Care and Education Learning Collaborative (ECELC) Project. The ECELC is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and managed by Nemours. The Kentucky Department for Public Health and State partners are collaborating with Nemours to adopt a structured approach to training ECE providers. Through this partnership, the Kentucky Department of Public Health and partners expect to reach approximately seventy-five (75) Early Care and Education programs located in Louisville, Lexington, and Northern Kentucky. The National Early Care and Education Learning Collaborative Project uses an empowerment model designed to support the growth of leadership, collaboration and efficacy of ECE providers as they learn, change, and become champions for children's health, development and learning. In-person learning sessions provide education about the relationship of healthy eating and physical activity to children¡¦s health, the powerful role of providers, the process of change and the potential of partnerships with families. Each collaborative consists of approximately three staff members from each of 25 ECE centers who commit to attend five learning sessions over a 12 month period to work together to achieve healthy change in their programs related to: „h Improving healthy eating, physical activity and screen time practices ECE settings „h Increasing support for breastfeeding in ECE settings „h Enhancing ECE environments to support these goals „h Improving related policies and programs for ECE
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/18


  • KY Department for Public Health: $103,753.00


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