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Grants and Contracts Details
Most nanowires and nanotubes are grown as random or cntanglcd strings on substratcs, which are of little
interest to engineers. Well-aligned nanowires and nanotubes grown on substrates are imperative for
elcctronic device applications. Self-orgamzed anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) with a honeycomb
nanostructure of columnar hexagonal cells and nanopores, has attracted considerable interest. Bccause of
its high aspect ratio (-1000), high pore dcnsity (_10" pores/cm'), and high level of ordering and
uniformity, it has been used as a template for fabrication of numerous nanoscalc structures. Although it
has demonstrated potential for nanofabrication, it is still difficult to utilize AAO for fabrication of
nanoelectronic devices and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS). This is because nanopores in all the
AAO templates arc formed vertically on substratcs in two dimension>"(2-D), not compatible with the
mainstream planar proccssing technology. Recently, under the support of NSF NER program, the PI
successfully fabricated an AAO templatc with a one-dimensional (i-D) array of nanopores horizontally
aligncd on a silicon substrate. This novel structure provides a grcat potential for fabrication of molecular
and electronic device compatible Witllthe planar processing technology.
In this proposal, we plan to usc the novel horizontal 1-0 array nanotemplate to develop innovative
processes for fabrication of quantum and molecular deviccs. We aim to pursue rcsearch in four main
thmsts. In the first thmst, building upon our success, we continue to refine the process for improving the
1-0 horizontal nanostructure, to reduce thc pore size of the 1-0 nanotemplate doml to 1 nm using atomic
layer deposition, and to grow a 1-0 array of carbon nanotubes and nanowircs aligned horizontally on thc
silicon substrate. In the second thmst, we will fabricate single-electron transistor (SET) arrays based on
the horizontal 1-0 array of nanowires. In the third thmst, we aim to utilize the horizontal 1-0 nanpore
array for fabrication of in-wire molecular junction arrays and to use thc horizontal 1-0 array ofCNTs for
fabrication of nanoscale electrodes to isolate single molecules. In the fourth thmst, we will characterize
the horizontal 1-0 array of nanopores and individual in-wire nanodevices using conductive AFM. The
intellectual merit of the proposed activities is to advance the self-assembled AAO template technique
toward high-level and large-scale integration of devices compatible with the mainstream planar process
technology. We have asscmbled an interdisciplinary team consisting of Co-PIs with complementary
backgrounds in Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, and Materials Sciencc. We propose a highly integrated
approach to this projcct whcre the collective contributions of the team membcrs are critical to achieving
the final goal. The PI's and Co-PIs' experience and cxisting strength will ensure that the projcct is carried
out fully as proposed.
The broadcr impacts of the proposed work include significant advancement of critical bottom-up selfassembly
proccsscs, cnhancement of multidisciplinary research, education and training of tomorrow's
scientists and engineers in nanotechnology. The research proposed here will lay a foundation for highdensity
and large-scale integration of nanotubc and nanowire~bascd quantum and molecular devices and
advance the bottom-up self-assembly processes from conceptual to practical. This unique horizontal 1-0
structure will fmd broad applications in basic undcrstanding of transport of moleculcs, new fabrication
procedures, and practical industrial applications. The proposed education activities will cnhancc the
involvement of graduate students in the multidisciplinary environment and also impact Appalachian
communities (economically depressed group) through focused K-12 outreach.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/15/06 → 6/30/11 |
- National Science Foundation: $1,206,000.00
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- 1 Finished
REU NIRT: Molecular and Electronic Devices Based on Novel One-Dimensional Nanopore Arrays
Chen, Z. (PI)
6/7/10 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project