Non-circadian Role for Clock-Genes in Sleep Homoestasis

Grants and Contracts Details


To provide necessary qualified personnel, equipment, materials, and facilities to test the hypotheses that clock-gene expression in the cerebral cortex is a function of the sleep-wake distribution, that inactivation of specific clock-genes will alter sleep homeostasis, and other related sleep hypotheses. The University of Kentucky Research Foundation through Principal Investigator Bruce O'Hara will direct all the molecular work as described in SA 1,2 , and 4 of the specific aims for NIH Grant R01 MH067752. The original grant is with the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University through Principal Investigator Paul Franken. UKRF is a subrecipient.
Effective start/end date8/4/044/30/09


  • Stanford University: $430,357.00


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