Novel Delivery Strategies of dsRNA for RNAi-Based Control of Wood-Boring Insects

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract Overview of the project: This project will utilize fungi that are natural entomopathogens of the EAB for delivery of lethal dsRNAi to the beetle. As fungal spores of entomopathogenic fungi may either directly penetrate and parasitize the insect or be ingested, they provide an e icient vehicle to deliver dsRNA directly to the insect. This project will test RNAi against several potential protein targets in EAB for mortality against eggs, larvae, and adult EAB through ingestion or absorption of dsRNA. The most e ective target gene(s) identi?ed will be expressed in the entomopathogenic fungus, the registered biopesticide Beauveria bassiana strain GHA, and tested for increased mortality and e icient RNAi with topical applications to EAB eggs and adults. Upon proving e icacy of delivery through fungi, we will seek approval to deploy dsRNA and the fungi expressing dsRNA, in a novel oviposition trap. The ?nal product will be a novel oviposition trap through which EAB adult females will be infected with dsRNA or fungal spores and subsequently spread the fungus and RNAi signal to eggs during oviposition and mating partners during mating.
Effective start/end date8/1/246/15/25


  • Agricultural Research Service: $86,250.00


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