NPCS Technical Assistance

Grants and Contracts Details


foster care and has prioritized assisting specific jurisdictions’ child welfare systems in their efforts to increase the likelihood of achieving better outcomes for children and families. In 2018, CFP began supporting the development of an initiative, currently referred to as National Partnership for Child Safety: Applying Safety Science to Advance a Safety Culture in Child Welfare (Safety Collaborative). The Safety Collaborative members (involving 7 jurisdictions in 2018, expanded to 11 in 2019 and 19 jurisdiction in 2020) committed to applying the principles of safety science to improve safety and prevent child maltreatment related fatalities. Modeled after other safety industries, strategies include: a team-based approach to creating and supporting a safety-based culture, standardized process for critical incident reviews, and sharing data to foster learning and improvements among the members. The Safety Collaborative grew to 26 jurisdictions in 2021 representing nearly 50% of all the children in care. In 2022, the Partnership is expecting continued growth. CFP will continue to support the development of this Partnership for Child Safety through technical assistance from the Center for Population Health at the University of KY (service provider). Service Provider will provide technical assistance to the expanded cohort of 25+ child welfare jurisdictions who are members of the collaborative and to help build capacity as needed for other jurisdictions interested in joining the Safety Collaborative. The technical assistance will focus on applying a set of strategies including: 1. A standardized platform for critical incident review and reporting of data 2. Comparative critical incident and team culture data 3. Access to a library of Spaced Ed curricula 4. Shared cross-jurisdictional safety notices. Service Provider will work with CFP to identify and onboard new jurisdictions throughout the contract period. This could include providing consultation and technical assistance to jurisdictions to prepare them for NPCS membership. Outcomes. Services under this Schedule align with CFP’s five key outcomes to accomplish CFP’s 2022 Goal to safely reduce the number of youth in foster care by 50%. The work under this Schedule will provide technical assistance to the participating jurisdictions to meet their stated outcome goals as well as the below project Outcomes (baseline measurement year is 2015). In 2022, Service Provider and CFP will track the data described below for the identified jurisdictions. Depending on a jurisdiction’s level of readiness, Service Provider will engage in goal setting with the involved jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction’s project plan will include baseline measures and set targets to demonstrate positive impact for the following outcomes by September 2022: 1. Increase ratio of exits to entries: more children leaving care than entering. The ratio will be measured in the most current year and over a three-year average. 2. Decrease in instances of repeat maltreatment. A child is maltreated if they are the subject of an allegation that is founded, indicated, or substantiated. Children included in this measure are those with a maltreatment determination who are then tracked for six months. 3. Decrease child abuse and neglect fatalities. We will rely on the NCANDS data of child fatalities. Data is unavailable in some states and counties and will be augmented as needed with
Effective start/end date1/1/2212/31/22


  • Casey Family Programs: $768,551.00


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