NRSA T32 Supplement: Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior

Grants and Contracts Details


This administrative supplement application seeks to increase the number of slots in the University of Kentucky’s Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior program (5T32 DA035200). The program prepares trainees for roles in and out of academia in which basic, clinical, and translational research is conducted on bio-behavioral factors in the prevention, cause, course, and treatment of drug abuse. This training grant was funded for 2013-2018 (Years 16-20). The current program supports 3 pre-doctoral and 3 post-doctoral trainees with a faculty of 28 drawn from 7 academic and research units of the University of Kentucky. This supplement request seeks to add 1 pre-doctoral and 1 post-doctoral slot to the program.
Effective start/end date8/1/986/30/15


  • National Institute on Drug Abuse


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