NRSA T32 Supplement: Training in Drug Abuse Related Research

Grants and Contracts Details


This administrative supplement application seeks to increase the number of positions (1 post-doctoral and 2 pre-doctoral fellows) in the University of Kentucky’s Training in Drug Abuse Related Research (T32 DA016176). The program fosters the development of essential experimental and critical thinking skills, and provides the opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of and expertise in the interrelationships of the molecular/cellular aspects of receptors and signaling mechanisms involved in the neural and behavioral response to the combined administration of nicotine and alcohol, and to become immersed in drug discovery and development in the pursuit of novel treatments for nicotine/alcohol addiction. The overarching theme of the program is that addiction alters fundamental cellular and macromolecular processes resulting in long term changes in neural plasticity and behavior, which can be treated using pharmacotherapeutic intervention. The curriculum provides knowledge from physicochemical properties of molecules to structural biology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, to animal and human behavior, with numerous opportunities for in depth study of focused areas of addiction research. The trainees supported by these supplemental funds will enroll in a new course in Drug Discovery and Development offered by the College of Pharmacy to obtain an understanding of the discovery pathway. Subsequently, they will participate in an internship in the pharmaceutical industry to further immerse themselves in drug discovery and development as part of their specialized training under this supplement. All positions in our T32 programs have been filled completely during the last funding period; however, during the current year, 3 positions opened as a result of trainees successfully completing their dissertation and/or research, and obtaining post-doctoral fellowship and faculty positions as the next logical steps in their careers. The open slots have been advertised and will be filled by May 1, 2014. In the upcoming funding period, we propose to continue our record of success and develop responsible and ethical addiction researchers, who will move the field of addiction research forward.
Effective start/end date6/1/036/30/15


  • National Institute on Drug Abuse


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