Grants and Contracts Details
OHS, E-Scooters and E-Bikes
This project aims to improve crash data based upon NHTSA recommendations to the MMUCC 6th edition
with the categorization of the two most common types of micromobility devices: electric scooters (e-
scooters) and electric bikes (e-bikes).
The NTSB identified the need to add e-scooter and e-bike device codes to police crash data and guidance, yet
Kentucky HB258 amended KRS 186.010 to specifically except electric low-speed scooters from being
considered vehicles.
NTSB found that at least 119 e-scooter and e-bike fatalities occurred between 2017 and 2021, but identified
challenges that prevent accurate understanding of how common e-scooter and e-bike fatalities and injuries are
due to a lack of complete, consistent, and reliable data, inadequate data coding, and poor-quality trip data.
This project would seek to examine crash narratives to see if e-scooter and e-bike crashes are present and
unaccounted for and based on Kentucky data to make recommendations to add appropriate device codes to
help Kentucky get ahead of the anticipated changes to the 6th edition of the MMUCC.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/23 → 9/30/24 |
- KY Office of Highway Safety: $75,000.00
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