OHS: Kentucky Traffic and Safety Data Service (KTSDS)

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract Project Title: OHS, Kentucky Traffic and Safety Data Service (KTSDS) 10/01/2022 – 09/30/2023 This project is a continuation of the popular Kentucky Traffic and Safety Data Service (KTSDS). Since its establishment KTSDS has provided invaluable services to requestors from across the spectrum of safety stakeholders. Accessibility is one of the key metrics describing the quality of traffic records. In Kentucky much has been done to improve the accessibility to data but less so to improve the accessibility to the information, knowledge, and wisdom that can and should be the goal of a data query. Access to those with the education, training, and experience to provide this outcome is difficult or impossible to many who would benefit from this improved access. These groups include decision makers, consultants, non-safety state and local agencies, law enforcement groups, citizens groups, attorneys, and the media. For those public-facing stakeholders, careful attention must be paid to data and information requests such that a) all potentially affected parties are aware of the requests, b) information and analysis is properly obtained and developed, c) the information provided is properly documented, and that d) users are adequately educated as to proper use. Often, data experts must work with requestors and help them articulate what they actually need to accomplish the goal that precipitated the initial request.
Effective start/end date10/1/229/30/23


  • KY Office of Highway Safety: $69,831.00


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