OHS, Traffic Records Strategic Plan

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract OHS, Annual Traffic Records Assessment Project: 2023 Traffic Records Assessment Implementation 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024 In February and March of 2022, NHTSA provided a Traffic Records Assessment (TRA) for Kentucky. The KTC project team assisted in this assessment. The goal of the proposed project (continuation) is to continue to improve and assess the quality of Kentucky’s highway safety (traffic records) data and to implement the recommendations of the 2022 TRA. Under the FY23 grant, the project team continues to work to incorporate the results of the 2022 TRA into the Traffic Records Strategic Plan (TRSP). Targeted efforts to identify areas for improvement for each database are underway, using the TRA categories and questions, to support the overall NHTSA recommendations. KTC continues to assist each database in the identification and development of projects to address NHTSA’s recommendations, as well as the identification and development of projects to improve other database attributes. This grant will continue KTC’s assistance to the databases in their effort to develop projects for successful attainment of Kentucky goals for each database and Kentucky safety data overall. This project facilitates the goals and metrics for all KY databases and quality metrics; hence, it has no stand- alone metrics. Specific goals and metrics do exist for KY 405 projects. In this project, the Kentucky Transportation Center staff will: 1. Continue coordination with the appropriate database liaisons. 2. Review and update the performance metrics developed for each database; develop an updated reporting form to allow more efficient reporting from liaisons. 3. Review questions in the TRA assessment tool for opportunities to improve data quality, in support of the larger NHTSA recommendations from the 2022 TRA. 4. Facilitate discussions among appropriate liaisons to improve application programming interfaces (API) between databases. 5. Facilitate discussions with database liaisons to identify projects and funding to meet the goals. 6. Monitor and document progress toward fulfilling the goals and timetables in the strategic plan. 7. Document any necessary changes in the goals, objectives and strategies of the strategic plan or reasons for delays in meeting the goals and/or completing the projects underway. 8. Submit a progress report that assesses progress in project development and documents successful project completion. 9. Develop a final report to address each database, with quantitative measures (where possible), for the attributes of each database, along with any projects/strategies identified for improvement.
Effective start/end date10/1/239/30/24


  • KY Office of Highway Safety: $80,178.00


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