Grants and Contracts Details
Winter annual cover crops provide many benefits to Kentucky’s agricultural producers. One particularly
important benefit is their contribution towards a program of integrated weed management. While
growing, cover crops can suppress both winter annual weeds and early-emerging summer annuals. The
ability of cover crops to outcompete and suppress weeds has been linked to the amount of ground that
they cover. Species selection (for example, using winter rye or winter wheat), seeding rates, and
planting methods all impact the stand establishment and thus the ground cover provided by the cover
crop. This trial will compare the weed suppression provided by winter rye and winter wheat, and will
also assess how seeding rate (a higher rate often recommended by cover crop researchers vs. a lower
rate often used by growers) and planting method (drilling vs. broadcasting seed) affect the weed
suppression provided by winter rye. Results from this project will provide guidance on species selection,
seeding rate, and planting method for growers seeking to use small grain winter cover crops to help
manage weeds.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/16 → 12/31/17 |
- Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $38,093.00
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