Parkingson Disease Information and Referral Center

Grants and Contracts Details


Parkinsons Resource Center for Coordinator to: a. respond to telephone inquiries, correspond with people requesting information, and provide referrals to medical professionals and social agencies b. maintain a list of neurologists specializing in Parkinson's disease who practice within the geographical area served by the Center and to provide the names of not less than three such doctors for referral upon request c. to obtain information on current research on Parkinson's through regular contact with APDA d. to make educational presentations to support groups, nursing homes, health fairs, community resources groups, and other relevant groups e. to supervise all aspects of public relations, including, but not limited to news stories, press releases and articles in cooperation with APDA national office.
Effective start/end date9/1/1512/31/16


  • American Parkinsons Disease Association: $17,174.00


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