Partnering to Encourage Transfer of Learning

Grants and Contracts Details


The aim of this research proposal is to introduce two methods of professional development follow-up that promote the transfer of learning from training to the Head Start classroom. Both peer coaching and consultant coaching are suggested in the literature to be effective follow-up strategies. However, there are few studies documenting magnitude of effect of follow-up strategies on teacher and child behaviors. This proposal is founded on the request from Head Start teachers and directors for additional training and technical support addressing the topics of challenging behaviors and social and emotional competency. Teacher training, supported by peer groups and consultant on-site visits, is suggested as two possible cost-effective strategies that could be implemented by Head Start programs to meet this training and technical assistance request. Information is provided on the proposed research approach, research objectives, partnership between the researchers and a local Head Start program, techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of project treatment, and the funding needed to accomplish such goals.
Effective start/end date9/30/059/30/07


  • Administration for Children and Families: $24,082.00


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