Grants and Contracts Details
Perianesthesia Nurses’ Knowledge and Promotion of Safe Use, Storage, and Disposal of Opioids in the Ambulatory Surgery Setting
Description of Problem: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared the increasing abuse of opioids and opioid-related deaths an epidemic with 91 Americans dying every day from an opioid overdose. The number of opioid prescriptions in the United States increased to a quarter of a billion in 2013. Opioids are prescribed on a routine basis for patients in the ambulatory surgery settings with 42-66% of those opioid prescriptions left unused. There is a lack of knowledge among providers and patients regarding safe disposal of opioids. Excess opioid pills are often stored in unsecured locations and increase the chance of diversion with associated risk of death from overdose. Seventy one percent of those who abuse prescription opioids obtain their pills from family or friends who have legitimate prescriptions. Nurses are well-positioned to teach patients about the risks of diversion, nonmedical use, and proper disposal of opioids. Research to develop safe post-discharge prescription practices after surgery is needed.
Purpose/Research Design: This is a descriptive study to determine perianesthesia nurses’ knowledge and promotion of safe use, storage and disposal of opioids to patients in the ambulatory surgery setting.
Setting and Study Sample: All perianesthesia nurses who are members of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) and who participate in patient education before discharge will have the opportunity to complete the survey.
Research Methods: An investigator developed survey will be emailed to all members of ASPAN as an email blast from the national ASPAN office. All study data will be collected using the Qualtrics system, a secure web based application for building and managing databases. The survey will include demographics, knowledge and practice questions regarding information given to patients on the safe use, storage and disposal of opioids.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 12/1/17 → 11/30/18 |
- American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses: $8,194.00
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